There are weddings that stick with you, inspire  you and remind you just why you love what you do so much! Hannah and Jeffrey’s wedding was just that . It was as if everywhere I turned there was a beautiful backdrop or light that was just too gorgeous for words. Their family, their friends, their venues – pitch perfect and flawless. Everyone and everything fell together to create this storybook wedding day that made Crystal and I leave with giant smiles on our faces and a renewed sense of what it’s all about – LOVE!

Crystal, for those of you who don’t know already, is my assistant photographer and to be honest I am absolutely beyond words thrilled to have her with me at weddings. She will be coming back next year as well and I’m excited to see what we do together! I brought her on this year as an equipment assistant  and she definitely impressed her way right out of ‘just carrying bags’ to carrying a camera. I love having a second set of eyes and hands to make the most of every minute we have at a wedding.